The true measure of greatness is when we chose to be great even at the little things.
Greatness is not measured only in the spectacular. It is measured in faithfulness even in little things.

Greatness is not when a leader, a pastor or a preacher preached one great sermon which moved the whole congregation; greatness is when a leader, a pastor or a preacher keep on preaching the word though the attendance is low, and though there are no people are touched.
Greatness is what the people behind the scenes are doing year-in, year-out- the one who cleans the church auditorium, the one who sets up the audio, the one who cleans the restroom of the church building, the one who visits the sick, the one who practice in the choir- year-in, year-out. That is greatness.
Greatness is not just during big days like anniversary, concerts or conferences. Greatness is during the low days but many are still pressing on. 
Greatness is not when you celebrate because the church is doing fine; greatness is when you keep on though the church is experiencing tough times.
Greatness is not when people are clapping their hands in praise of you but greatness is continuing on though there are lot of oppositions.
Greatness is not when the medal and honor was given. Greatness is during those times you work hard far from the limelight of popularity.

True greatness is not measured in "up" days but in "down" days.
True greatness is not measured in your mountains but in your valleys.
True greatness is being faithful though there are no praises of man, though lacking in resources and though seemingly the work is just mundane.

You don't need the spectacular just to be great.
You don't need the dramatic just to be great.
If God has placed you where you are right now and by your faithfulness, lives are being touched and influenced, what you are doing right now is great. Yes, regardless if people notice you or not, regardless if what you are doing is just mundane work to the sight of some, regardless if seemingly it is not bearing fruits as of now. What matters most is that you are doing what is good and best and God is pleased with your faithfulness.
What you are doing right now is already great if you are faithful in what you are doing.

Think of this-
David didn't show up to fight Goliath. He brought lunch. Stop looking for the dramatic and be great at the little things. 

Those who made a difference are not those who are always seeking great things, but those who chose to be great even at little things. 


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