Can you see a little boy in this photo?

We always sing and quote these words in our worship - "Hide me under the shadow of your wings" but practically speaking I was wondering what it really implies. So I asked God in prayer and solitude, "Lord, what does it mean to hide me in your presence? "

Yesterday, this question was answered through a little boy in my neighborhood. This little boy is playing hide-and-seek with the other kids. The little boy rushed past from me to find a place where he can hide. He hid at the back of an old bicycle parked in the sidewalk. Though he tried to hide, part of his body can still be seen, and not to mention that he was saying words out of excitement or maybe out of fear. As expected, he was easily seen and tagged by his playmate. The boy tried to argue with his playmate, but of no avail. His playmates told him, "If you don't want to be easily seen and tagged, be sure you hide well."

This observation answered my above question what it means "hiding in God."
I learned the following:

I must hide all of me in God.
Hide everything in God- your past, your problems, your talents, your potential, your all in all so that either your enemy, your critics, your friends or any people will only see God in your life. When you hide in God, enemies cannot see you, critics cannot harm you, and praises cannot fool you. They see God not you.

I must be silent and just depend on Him.
Complaining and speaking negative words out of fear shows that you are not hiding in God. What is the use of hiding from someone when you are so noisy? No wonder we are easily detected and tagged by the enemy because of our complaints and negative words. When some people are against me and misjudging me, the answer is not hate and hurting words. The answer is just to hide in God in prayer and keep my mouth shut. That- is hiding in God.

I must chose something bigger than me to cover me.
That is common sense. I cannot hide at the back of a bicycle. It is smaller than me. If I chose some place to hide, I must be sure it must cover all of me. Talents are not enough to cover. Riches are not enough to cover. Influence is not enough to cover. All these things are not bigger than me. If I must hide myself, I must hide in God for He is bigger than anything in this world. Be sure where you place your confidence. Be sure it is enough to cover and hide you.

The little kids in my neighborhood played again a next set of hide-and-seek. This time the little boy I was talking about hid himself at the back of a big garbage bin. As I passed by, his playmates gave up finding him. He won the game.

He hid himself fully.
He didn't utter a word.
He chose something bigger than him to cover him.
He waited patiently.
He was not seen.
He fully hid himself.

Question answered.

[So about the above photo, can you see the little boy? If you can, then he was not hiding well.]


Anonymous said...

From Elena Escasinas:

For so long, I've been complaining, murmuring, simply doing things that a normal human being would do. This week I again keep reiterating my humbling situation and satan used it to keep on blaming myself. Why do i hate myself so badly? What did i do in the past that's making me what I am now. I keep praying and praying and crying while praying but nothing seems to completely happen. Then, I found out simply by reading this radical message. And, i found out i did not completely hide myself in God. Please take a moment to read and be blessed.

Art Roy Remy said...

From John Jalique[Facebook]

I enjoyed reading your blog brother Art. You have a special gift that captures the curiousity of the mind with your visual art and then stimulating the mind with your creative writing, while inviting the Holy Spirit to bring life into your message. Keeping sending them brother and I will keep sharing.
God bless.

Art Roy Remy said...

From Zoila Salvador [Facebook]

every blog post you're posting keeps on reminding us that you're completely and fully hiding in God.

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