Today is 10.10.10.
10th day of the 10th month of 2010.
Although Bible Numerology is not a mandate nor an absolute rule, but we can get inspiration from it through some observations in the Bible. Though some attribute number 10 to Law which is the Ten Commandments, the 10th part of the income which is the tithes, and the 10 plagues, I prefer to attribute it to the New Testament since we are no longer under the law but under grace, no longer under the Old Covenant but under the New Covenant. If there were 10 commandments in the Old Testament, there were also 10 "I AM" promises of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Isn't this wonderful?

According to Bible Numerology for the New Testament, number 10 represents PERFECTION and COMPLETENESS. Perfect Ten- not because we are the ones who are perfect. O, nobody perfect! This is not also because today is a perfect day. O, there is no perfect day, no perfect life, no perfect home, no perfect church. You know why number 10 is perfect? It is because the one being represented by 10 is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Only One who is perfect. It is perfect 10 because His 10 "I Am" in the New testament are perfect promises for us.

Number 10 also represents "Completeness." This is a great promise since Jesus has completed the requirements to pay for our sins. Jesus became our completeness. Jesus gave 10 "I am" promises in contrast to 10 commandments. The Ten commandments is about the law. His 10 "I am" is about His grace. Religions and rituals were built around the 10 commandments while true relationships were built around His 10 "I Am" promises. 

There are 10 "I AM"'s spoken by Jesus in the Book of John: 

1) I am the Bread of Life (6:35);  - a promise that He can provide for your needs.
2) I am the Bread of Life which came down from heaven (6:41); - a promise that He can give you life.
3) I am the Living Bread (6:51); - a promise that He can give you life to its fullness.
4) I am the Light of the world (8:12);  - a promise that you are assured of guidance.
5) I am One that bears witness of Myself (8:18); - a promise that who you believed in is True
6) I am the Door of the sheep (10:7,9); -  a promise that He will always provide a solution.
7) I am the Good Shepherd (10:14); - a promise that He will always take good care of you.
8) I am the Resurrection and the Life (14:6); - a promise that He can always give you new beginnings.
9) I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (11:25); - a promise that He can always give you a way
10) I am the True Vine (15:1,5).- a promise that He can make your life abundant.

You will see here that Jesus wants relationship with us to be personal. He introduced himself, not the law. He knew that what we need is Him, not the ten commandments. He knew that completeness can only be received through Jesus. The law was made from the past. His "I am" is always for the present. God doesn't want you to live through law but in freedom. God wants you not to live based on your past but on your bright present as well as for your bright future.

So as you celebrate, enjoy and be in awe of this day - 10/10/10; be more in awe of Jesus personal promise for you how He said "I am." This is an assurance to live everyday based on Him as a person and not based on opinions, situations and occasions.

God bless your 10.10.10 today.
Perfect number? I don't know.
One thing I know - I have a Perfect God who loves me and cares for me everyday of my life.

- A r t  R o  y  R e m y


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