Office work?
School days?
House chores?
A job?
A project?

Well, believe it or not, whatever you are doing right now has a significance. It is not just a mere routine but rather a part of your journey where you can choose to be happy, exciting and fulfilling.

We must not reserve our happiness just for the milestones of our lives. Life is not all getting some awards. Life is not all graduation, celebration, party and vacation. The thing you are calling as "routine" could be the place where happiness is just lurking around. All you got to do is appreciate and be happy. We hate routine, and we are all on the look-out for something extra-ordinary to happen. But if we reserve our happiness just for the extra-ordinary moments, we will be missing the most important part of our lives. God did not give you a milestone, but what is called "A day" and He said, "This is the day which the Lord has made."  When you are happy for the ordinary days, extra-ordinary days will just be the bonus.

This "ordinary" or this "routine" is called the "journey of your life." You must look at it in an eye of appreciation. The thing you are calling "routine" is actually the thing building you to reach your dreams. However,  you are missing its happiness because you are postponing your happiness to your destination, and hence you are not enjoying the journey.

We must not reserve our happiness to the time when our dreams come true. The practical reason for this is - dreams never stop as long as we live. When we achieve one dream, another dream will come. So if we confine our happiness just in the achieving of our dreams, we will be missing the happy journey we are in.

When we look life just as a goal, this is the reason why you look on what you are doing right now as just a mere routine - boring, insignificant and stressful.

Office workers have postpone their happiness only to the time when there is a vacation, or maybe every 15th day- the payday, or maybe there is a hang-out with friends. What you are doing is you are postponing your happiness to "someday" and not "today." You are reserving your happiness to the destination and not in your journey. Sadly, this is also the reason why some will go for their dreams at all cost though it may cause them their health, or their relationship. They are blinded that their happiness is only be received when their dreams are achieved, only to find out that it cannot make them fully happy at all.

The students are postponing their happiness only if there is no classes, or maybe when they graduate, or in time of vacation. They don't realize that everyday of their class is part of their journey. They thought if they just graduate, then everything will be happy, but you will be surprised that arriving there will be another phase of the journey. And ironically, they will look back someday wishing they could have been happier in the past.

For example, this is funny but true, family members prepare for one big family occasion in expense of true happiness with each other. How many family members became irritable to each other in the preparation for the party? Why they became irritable? It is because they have postponed their happiness only when the party is all set. They cannot see that even in preparations for the party is a time of bonding and happiness. Why? It is because they treat the preparations and the work as just routines, and not a journey toward their destination.

The moment you look at life as just a mere routine, you will miss lots of important things actually happening in your life. You cannot just post in Facebook only the milestones of your life. You cannot base alone your significance in it. Life is not all about your "milestones" and successes. You can still post the "common" days with a positive and happy outlook. It is because it is the small things that counts- your time with the one you love, your time with your family, the good thing you learned today, the food you ate, the blessing of being alive, the privilege of work. Again, it is because it is the journey that counts.

What you are doing right now is significant. It is not called "routine" but "a journey." It is a part of your life, a part of the fulfillment of your purpose here on earth, a part of God's wonderful plan for you. When you start looking at your work as a journey, you will start appreciating life one step at a time. You will appreciate the people you are with, your friends, your family, and yourself.

I have written this post with love. I can never call writing in my blog as just part of my "routine." Never. This is my passion. I enjoy doing this. This is but the result of a happy, positive, full of love, wonderful journey in life.

Your day is not called "a routine" but a blessed Day.
It is called "a journey of life."
Live it to the fullest.

"This is the day which the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."


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