"Peter stood up..." - Acts 1:15

All of us know the story of Peter denying the Lord. We have heard messages to messages drawn from this biggest mistake of Peter. We have read how he cried in repentance, and how his life was devastated by guilt and sadness.

But seldom we heard how "Peter stood up" after that known failure of his. Oftentimes, we focus too much on the mistake of someone instead of focusing on how he managed to rise from his dilemmas in life. The words in Acts 1:15 commended, appreciated and vindicated Peter, -
"Peter stood up." 
The saying is right which says, "It is not how you fall that matters but how you stood up after you fall which really matters." Yes, "Peter stood up."

He stood up and learned from his lessons.
He stood up embracing God's full forgiveneness.
He stood up to the challenge to face whatever people will say.
He stood up to lead.
He stood up to still unleash the potential that God has given him.
"Peter stood up."
He stood up saying to himself that from this time on, it will be different.

He knew it is easy to think of himself as the person he has been. Yet he realized that it is far more powerful to see himself as the person he can become. The mistakes and disappointments of the past may seem to be a major presence in his life. But at that very moment, however, he chose to leave them completely behind.

This may describe you too.
You may have fallen. You may have done some big mistakes in your life.
But let it be that the words be said to you will be, - 
"You stood up."
You stood up from the mistakes of your life.
You stood up learning from your lessons.
You stood up never accepting that defeat is the last chapter of your life.
You stood up rising now to the occasion.
You stood up to the challenges.
You stood up now enjoying life fulfilling your purpose.
You stood up saying to the world and to yourself, "From this time on, it will be different."

People will remember how you stood up after a fall more than the fall itself.
Above all, God favors the one who stood up after all through trials, pains and mistakes.

And you can say to the world, 

"O, all those challenges, trials, pains and mistakes, at times, they may have put me to the ground.
But that is not the end of me. I rose up. I stood up.
And by the grace of God, I am still standing."

That's what matters most.


eloisa paginag said...

Thnak you LOrd Jesus...for the strength ...for your promises..That you will never leave me nor forsake!!!!! Thank you that you are hiding me in your mighty wings!!!! Glory to God!!!!

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