Before I proceed, let me salute you, thank you and praise God for you for volunteering to any church work every Saturday. What you do is very important for God's kingdom and you are a great blessing to many. Your work may not be noticed by some, but surely God is well-pleased in what you are doing for Him.

Saturday is one of the busiest days for most churches around the world. This is the day pastors and preachers recaps and prepares their messages, the choir and worship team practice their songs, some do visitations and invitations, the media team prepares the graphics needed for tomorrow, the workers clean the worship place, the pastoral team meets for things to be done, the youth practices their numbers, the teachers prepares their lessons, and the list goes on. 

It is true - what we are on Sunday is based on what we prepare on Saturday.

All of these works and preparations are needed and vital. God is pleased when His people do His work in the best of their abilities based on His love and grace. 

However, Saturday is also the day which is most prone to irritation and stress since this is the busiest day for all who are active in church work, not to mention that they have been also busy in their homes and in their work during weekdays. So, let me share to you some of radical truths I discovered in life being also a volunteer and a leader in the church :

1. My zeal is primarily for God and not for the people.
No matter what others do, I am still personally responsible of what I should do. What I do is all about Him, not about a program, a goal, a ministerial duty, an assignment or an image. My volunteering for a certain work is more than just fulfilling an assignment. It is all because His love and my expression of my love for Him.

2. I must be sure that my strength comes from what God says, more than what people says. 

3. I must move people, programs and activities through prayer. I cannot be too dependent on what I know or what I am good at, I must still depend on God in prayer.

4. I must not measure other people with the zeal or faithfulness that I have.
    If you do this, you will just be frustrated, and you will be coercive to other people.

5. I must lead people by motivation not by coercion.

6. My zeal must not center on performance of things alone but in building lives.    
    This is the common "lapse" for those who regularly work in the church. Because of their familiarity to   each other, for example the choir and worship team gathers to practice their song every week, but they are not conscious that they are also gathering to build their faith with each other. Same thing happens to the pastor and his staff, and other ministries. We don't just gather to achieve a goal, we gather for each one's soul. 

7. I must never justify laziness nor mediocrity. 

8. I must accept that I am not superhuman. If I am tired, I need to rest. If I am stressed out, I need to relax.

9. My zeal should never be for the expense of relationships. 
   Having this mindset makes us to be understanding and forbearing to others. This will refrain us from criticizing and being irritable. We should not allow things or matters in the church affect our relationship at home. When it is time for lunch or dinner, enjoy time in your relationships. And of course, talk good and positive things.

10. With all the things I have prepared, I must not forget the value of - a good laughter in during the day, and a nice sleep at night.  

Your best preparations during Saturdays is not just what you do with your hands, but what you do with your heart.

Watch your step when you enter God's house. Enter to learn. That's far better than mindlessly offering a sacrifice, Doing more harm than good.   
Don't shoot off your mouth, or speak before you think. 
Don't be too quick to tell God what you think he wants to hear.  God's in charge, not you—the less you speak, the better. 
Overwork makes for restless sleep.  Overtalk shows you up as a fool.   
When you tell God you'll do something, do it—now. God takes no pleasure in foolish gabble. Vow it, then do it. 
          - Ecclesiastes 5: 1-5

- A r t  R o y  R e m y


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