We have been reared in a Christianity that is always in a Fighting Stance. We have raised in a culture that we must always "defend" the truth to the point that we lost some fruits of the Spirit which are kindness, love and patience. We have seen bickering here and there, even in the name of "theology." And while we do this, we see how many people are going to perdition because we have lost our focus. All those times, we have a mindset of always fighting. We find glory when we thought we have defended the truth while we lost some precious souls. Some, because they don't believe anymore in present-day healing, have included that to heal people from their brokenness and spiritual wounds have also believed that these too are obsolete. 

There are lots of wounded people in this world- 
Inside and outside the Church, rich and poor, leaders and followers, young and old.
I also believe that those people who always hate other people, who are always judgmental to others, are actually results of their wounded and hurting souls.

Everybody needs healing. Everybody needs the Balm from Gilead.
I think it is time for us to really live what really is the identity of Christianity.

The church is not a museum, nor it is a war room; it is a hospital for all sick, wounded people.
Thus, when we are in our workplaces or wherever we are, what we bring with us are not guns and swords, but rather - a first aid kit.

Yes, this is a time for us to live the First Aid Christianity.
A kind of attitude which always finding the lost, the weak, the sick and the wounded. A kind of attitude which we always go for healing instead of hurting. A kind of attitude which we help those who are broken, heal the wounded and deliver the dying. A kind of attitude which we always foster peace and love, instead of polarization, legalism and indifference.

Wherever we go, we are carrying love, hope and the Gospel to heal wounded souls. Wherever we go, our mindset is not to hurt but to heal, not to bicker but to assist, not to war but to love. Jesus' mission is to  be the Great Physician healing the sick and the brokenhearted. Jesus commissioned us to go to the world not as armies to wage war, but as loving people who will help and heal those who are lost in their sins, and who are struggling in life.  

Many people are wounded today because we have left our First Aid kit in our church buildings, in our houses, in our prayer rooms, and in our study rooms. We go out with this mindset to always fight because we thought we are the army on a mission. But even you are an army, an army is not complete without the medical team. What will you do if you were hit by temptation, discouragement and criticism? You need a first aid kit.

Jesus cleared this when He said, "my people is not of this world, lest my servant will fight." "The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me to heal the brokenhearted." 

No wonder it is not coincidence that the symbol of First Aid is not a sword or a gun, but - 

... a cross.

Carry love, hope and kindness wherever you go.
There are lots of wounded people in our midst.

What we need today is not  a Fighting Christianity but a

- First Aid Christianity.

- A r t  R o y  R e m y


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