David was in a dark cave - hungry, destitute, lonely, cast-away, and his enemies are looking out for him. If you are David, what will be the words you will shout in this dilemma?

Could it be these words?
“It is so dark.”
“I was abandoned.”
“Life was so unfair.”
“I’m hungry.”
“I was rejected.”
“This is to painful to bear.”
“Why have you abandoned me?”
“God, where are you?”

Maybe if you are David, these are the statements you will shout in the cave as an expression of your frustration and sadness.
 But somehow, a shout is not favorable for you to do in times like this because the enemies who are looking out for you will trace and find you. So actually it is not a shout which you can do but a whisper.

Isn’t this true in our lives? As we face the frustrations, problems and challenges in life, we may want to shout it out but we cannot. We went to worship with the church and the frustrations are just in our hearts and we cannot tell it to the whole world what we are facing in life. We cannot shout or else the “enemies” will find us and mob us. So what you do is you just retreat in silence and just whisper these sighs. Sighs that no one knows but you. Sighs from the caves of life.

But are these really the words of David in that cave? Let us check it from the Word and let us see what he actually said. And this is what he said -

“I will love you, O Lord my strength.” Psalm 18: 1-2

Surprised with the response of David? We can't but help wonder and admire the response of David towards the challenges on his life. His response was not out of frustration. It was not out of bitterness and complaint. It was out of his love and confidence toward the Lord.

He chose to see the Lord instead of his world.
He chose to see the light instead of the darkness of the cave.
He chose to see the good instead of the bad.
He chose to see beyond instead of what is just now.

His response was – love.

How about you? Will this be your response in the challenges you are facing in life?

Don't forget - 

Life will respond to you according on how you respond to it.


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