LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST - Quotes Posters by Art Roy Remy [Palawan Photos]

Declare good things and blessings to your life. Enjoy these quotes to inspire you to live life to the fullest. These are quotes I shared and taught in my latest speaking engagement where I shared the message, "Come On In, The Water Is Fine." The photo backgrounds are shots I have taken from my recent vacation in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. Enjoy, live life to the fullest.


A radical truth from God -
Let the weak say they are strong. - Joel 3: 10
It didn't say, "Let the weak say they are weak."

Most of the times when we are weak, we complain and emphasize our weakness. Most of the times, we declare our discouragements, our disappointments and our frustrations. And the more we speak about our weakness, the more we get weak and oftentimes, this aggravates to doubt, fear, and anger. God says in this passage, that we must declare the opposite. When we are weak, we must declare we are strong.

This does not mean that God doesn't care of our weakness. The truth is the opposite - God cares for us so much that He is giving a formula for us how to be strong. This also doesn't mean that we ignore our weaknesses. The truth is clear, God recognizes our weakness. He said, "Let the weak..." so it means God knows our weakness. The truth is - God is offering a formula for us how to be strong and what to say when we are weak. And God said when we are weak, we must say we are strong.

The reason is this - our life go to the direction of what we say. Our words has a powerful creative power to change things. God wants us to say " we are strong" when we are weak, because there is no need of emphasizing weakness, but rather to emphasize our strength in God.

Let the weak say they are strong.

It also didn't  say, "Let the weak think that they are strong."

To think is not enough. We must declare what we believe. This is the reason why "faith comes by hearing", and not by reading the word of God alone. When we hear, it means someone spoke, and it includes us in this regard. We must speak the word of God so that we can hear. And by so doing, our faith increase and our strength too.

Let the weak say they are strong.

It didn't also say, "Let the weak invite friends to talk about their weakness."

Our weakness can be passed to others when we emphasize too much about it. Words of discouragement can influence others. God said, "let the weak say they are strong."

You produce what you say. Your life go to the direction of what you declare. If you are weak, you can never be strong by saying you are weak. Better declare and say that you are strong. This is not my idea. This is God's. Say what God wants you to say.

So when you are weak, you know now what to say.


The word of God says, "We will eat the fruit of our lips." It simply means that we will produce what we are saying. In essence, every time we speak, we are "prophesying" our future.

If we always complain, we are projecting a future filled with lack and disappointments. If we always say "I will never be good" then it will happen. If we always say, "I will never progress" then you are projecting this to your life. Whatever you say, you are prophesying your future.

5 years from now, you will be by what words you are saying right now. So, why not use words to bless your life? Why not speak words which releases blessings to your life and to your future? 

Declare that you are a child of God - so loved by God and that God's plans for you is to bless you. Declare that you will be prosperous. Declare what you want in your life not the things you don't want. Declare the promises of God in your life. Declare your dreams. Declare what you want for your family. Declare the fulfillment of your goals.

This is your life. Why prophesy things that are bad for you when God already laid in His words His promise that He gave you an abundant and victorious life? Use words to bless your life.

Prophesy good things for your future by speaking faith-filled words.

radical quote | joel osteen


Thanks be to God, who gives us victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be steadfast, unmoveable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord
for as much as you know your labor is not in vain 
in the Lord.

- I Corinthians 15: 58

God did not create you to become victim of circumstances.
You were created to be a victor. God has promised you to live
a life that is abundant and victorious. 
You were not created to be dominated by challenges.
You were created to dominate any challenges.
The general approach for a victorious life starts in this - 

Be Thankful
The verse said,
"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
The truth is this, we don't actually have to pray to have victory.
You don't ask what you already have.
God has made us victorious thru what Jesus has done on the Cross.
We are already victors.
You need to claim it, believe it and be thankful for it.
When you are thankful that you have a sure victory everyday,
you will automatically live as a victor.

Believe That You Are Greatly Loved
The verse said,
"Therefore, my BELOVED brethren..."
The word "beloved" originated from God. He is Love.
And the key to be tough over any challenges is to believe that you are loved.
Why is it that there are some who are depressed in life though they already have all material things they want?
It's because they need the most important of all - "to be loved."
When you believe you are loved, you can proceed without hesitancy, without doubt,
without guilt and without condemnation.
Take note that the word "beloved" came before the word " be steadfast."
If you can't believe you are loved, you can never be steadfast in life.

Be Tough
The verse said,
"Be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."
Toughness is not being cruel. Toughness is not being without emotion.
Toughness is not being filled with anger and hate.
A true tough person is a person who can love.
Look at how fathers will risk everything just to save their children who are in dangers. Look at how a man will forsake everything just for a love of a woman. And just consider how the Lord Jesus forsook everything just to die on the cross. That's real toughness, man!
You can only be tough if you know you are loved.
God loves you.
The people who knows and believes that Someone loves them
are the people who can endure any difficulties and who can withstand any trials.
A person without love can easily quit, and will easily give up.
Love - this is tough.

Remember, you are already a victor.
Act like one.