You have within you the power and ability to solve every problem and deal with every challenge that life presents. 

Your faith or whatever you believe in this world is always working to make your world the place you expect it to be. If you expect to be lonely, and sick, and without money -- then your mind will find a way for that to happen. And when you expect to be healthy, prosperous and loved, then your mind will find a way for it to happen.  The word of God said it clearly, "As he thinks in his heart, so is he."

Stop for awhile and try to evaluate yourself with this question -
Is what you expect for yourself the same as what you want for yourself? 

The people whom we view as successful, are those who fully expect to get what they want, whatever that may be. And they find a way to get it. 

Your mind must have specific goals in order to reach them. Not just "a bigger house" but specifically what house, on what street, in what neighborhood, how many bedrooms, what color carpet? 

Know what you want, fully expect to get it, and take the necessary actions to bring it about. Know that there will be obstacles, and that you will find a way through them. You can do it.

Expecting for something bad will do you no good, but frustration and fear.
Expecting for great things will radically change your life.

God promised in His words that His favor is always "new every morning" and "great is His faithfulness." Wow! What could be greater than the greatness of God's faithfulness?

William Carey said it best - "Expect great things from God. Expect great things with God."


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